Kate Advocacy!


If you're reading this, you probably already know about the YA Sisterhood Tournament of Heroines and how our very own Kate Mercier is going up against the first-seeded Clary Fray from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series.  A normal, human girl (with an awesome boyfriend) against a stele-wielding Shadowhunter (with a boyfriend who kinda hunts people like Kate's boyfriend.)


As her advocate (and therefore, the one advocating for all Kate and Die For Me fans), I want to give our heroine a fighting chance... and I would like to ask all of you to help me.

Kate is "fighting" on Thursday.  So, from now until Midnight (EST) Monday, November 28th, I'm asking for all of you to help me with my defense.  I want to make her shine-- she deserves that much!


Just leave a comment here telling me why YOU think Kate is a Heroine and what YOU think are her best qualities.  Also, why Kate should win instead of Clary (no Clary bashing, please. I love her, as well, and negative comments will be deleted)  I'll try to include some of your answers in my defense*.

*Also, as a thank you, I'll do a random drawing amoungst all of your comments for a package similar to my "Date With a Revenants" giveaway-- still working on all of the specifics on that, but there will be "Read My Lips" tea involved, and D4M, and cosmetics...


-Emberchyld/ Carli

Edited to add these AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL Buttons by Avery from Avery's Book Nook (who, BTW, is representing Tessa in the Tourney-- go show her some love!)

YA Sisterhood
YA Sisterhood


  1. I tried to get Kate too awesome congrats!!! I'm glad someone who loves her as much as I do got her!!!
    I'm not very familiar with Clary.

    Okay, I think one thing that is great about Kate is how strong she is she doesn't feel like she has to have Vincent to survive, she is her own person, and at the end of the book with the battle Kate kicked some major butt!

    She's also very kind, loving and accepting.
    I'm on my way out, but I'll jot down a few more things and post them here for you!! YAY GO KATE!!! (I also do love Luce the character I got!)

  2. Kate should win because of everything she's been through. She's suffered the loss of her parents, the loss of her home (as much as she loves Paris and her grandparents), the loss of many friends, and you could even go as far as to say the loss of her country (again, even as much as she loves Paris).

    She tried to just be herself, and that made her feel like she was made of ice. Vincent came and she allowed herself to melt just a bit and let him in. When she felt feelings returning, both good and bad, she tried to shut herself in again, only to realize that she couldn't do it.

    Kate is a heroine because she's persevered. She been to the bottom and come out on top with dignity and with a new found respect for life, friendship and love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A few more points:

    I agree with Holly
    Kate should win due to her spirit, she has such a strong and persevering spirit. She never let anything get her down (at least for long) she is very much a pull yourself up by the boot straps and push through.

    Also She did everything she could for Vincent, his family and for her own sister.
    (Don't want to drop any spoilers)
    But when her sister comes to the manner and when Vincent goes to Kate's grandparents home, Kate very much helps Vincent all while trying to protect Georgia.

  5. Yeah Kate! You are getting the spot light you deserve! Although Kate has only had one book to prove herself, she did an amazing job showing us what guts and heart she has! Faced with incredible heartache and then later to have her world turned upside down with the supernatural, Kate not only rises above, but comes out shining. She is strong willed, strong minded, and is not afraid to face danger in order to protect the ones she loves. She did an incredible job thinking quick under pressure. And as Georgia would say, ... she is "One badass sword fighter." :)

  6. I know it's past the deadline, but I thought of one more thing in the last chapter we see that as well as being fearless (At Vincent's house) she opens up more so and Vincent is the first person since her parents that she really lets in and that shows her soft side.

  7. I LOVED the letter you did, very creative awesome job!

  8. Thank you for your KIND words, Moirae!

    Now, I hope all of you are reading these comments... as soon as I have a better idea of what I'm going to do, I'll actually post it, but...

    I can't randomly pick between three wonderful people who all contributed to Vincent's letter. So, I'd like to propose that I give each of you something instead of one large prize pack for one person.

    I have goodies from my "Date With a Revenant" giveaway (mini pointe shoes, the Jules brooch, tea, French chocolate, calligraphy pen, eiffel tower earrings)... but I also can get Macarons to ship (Amy Plum loves macarons!) and that glitter/or/lip tea and maybe something(s) from the giveaway pack that I had built.

    Let me know what y'all think! What would you like to do?



  9. I think that's an awesome idea, hope the others think so as well!
